Source code for idtxl.visualise_graph

"""Plot results of network inference."""
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from . import idtxl_io as io
from . import idtxl_exceptions as ex

    import networkx as nx
except ImportError as err:
            "networkx is not available on this system. Install it from "
            " to export and plot IDTxl "
            "results in this format."

[docs]def plot_network(results, weights, fdr=True): """Plot network of multivariate TE between processes. Plot graph of the network of (multivariate) interactions between processes (e.g., multivariate TE). The function uses the networkx class for directed graphs (DiGraph) internally. Plots a network and adjacency matrix. Args: results : ResultsNetworkInference() instance output of an network inference algorithm weights : str for single network inference, it can either be - 'max_te_lag': the weights represent the source -> target lag corresponding to the maximum transfer entropy value (see documentation for method get_target_delays for details) - 'max_p_lag': the weights represent the source -> target lag corresponding to the maximum p-value (see documentation for method get_target_delays for details) - 'vars_count': the weights represent the number of statistically-significant source -> target lags - 'binary': return unweighted adjacency matrix with binary entries - 1 = significant information transfer; - 0 = no significant information transfer. for network comparison, it can either be - 'union': all links in the union network, i.e., all links that were tested for a difference - 'comparison': True for links with a significant difference in inferred effective connectivity (default) - 'pvalue': absolute differences in inferred effective connectivity for significant links - 'diff_abs': absolute difference fdr : bool [optional] print FDR-corrected results (default=True) Returns: DiGraph instance of a directed graph class from the networkx package Figure figure handle, Figure object from the matplotlib package """ adj_matrix = results.get_adjacency_matrix(weights=weights, fdr=fdr) graph = io.export_networkx_graph(adj_matrix, weights) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) ax1 = plt.subplot(121) # plot graph _plot_graph(graph, ax1, weights) plt.subplot(122) # plot adjacency matrix _plot_adj_matrix(results.get_adjacency_matrix(weights, fdr), cbar_label=weights) return graph, fig
[docs]def plot_selected_vars( results, target, sign_sources=True, display_edge_labels=False, fdr=True ): """Plot network of a target process and single variables. Plot graph of the network of (multivariate) interactions between source variables and the target. The function uses the networkx class for directed graphs (DiGraph) internally. Plots a network and reduced adjacency matrix. Args: results : ResultsNetworkInference() instance output of an network inference algorithm target : int index of target process sign_sources : bool [optional] plot sources with significant information contribution only (default=True) display_edge_labels : bool [optional] display TE value on edge lables (default=False) fdr : bool [optional] print FDR-corrected results (default=True) Returns: DiGraph instance of a directed graph class from the networkx package Figure figure handle, Figure object from the matplotlib package """ graph = io.export_networkx_source_graph(results, target, sign_sources, fdr) # Replace time index of current value to be consistent with lag-notation # in plot. current_value = (results._single_target[target].current_value[0], 0) max_lag = max(results.settings.max_lag_sources, results.settings.max_lag_target) # Adjust color and position of nodes (variables). pos = nx.spring_layout(graph) color = ["lavender" for c in range(graph.number_of_nodes())] for ind, n in enumerate(graph.nodes): # Adjust posistions of nodes. if n == current_value: pos[n] = np.array([max_lag, 0]) elif n[0] == current_value[0]: # target history pos[n] = np.array([max_lag - n[1], 0]) elif n[0] < current_value[0]: # sources with proc. number < target pos[n] = np.array([max_lag - n[1], n[0] + 1]) else: # sources with proc. number > target pos[n] = np.array([max_lag - n[1], n[0]]) # Adjust color of nodes. if n in results._single_target[target].selected_vars_sources: color[ind] = "cadetblue" elif n in results._single_target[target].selected_vars_target: color[ind] = "tomato" elif n == current_value: color[ind] = "red" fig = plt.figure() nx.draw( graph, pos=pos, with_labels=True, font_weight="bold", node_size=900, alpha=0.7, node_shape="s", node_color=color, ) # Optionally display edge labels showing the TE value if display_edge_labels: edge_labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(graph, "te") # Change format to only display 2 decimals for key, value in edge_labels.items(): edge_labels[key] = "{0:.2g}".format(value) nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels( graph, pos, edge_labels=edge_labels, font_size=10 ) # font_weight='bold' plt.plot( [-0.5, max_lag + 0.5], [0.5, 0.5], linestyle="--", linewidth=1, color="0.5" ) return graph, fig
def _plot_graph(graph, axis, weights=None, display_edge_labels=True): """Plot graph using networkx.""" pos = nx.circular_layout(graph) nx.draw_circular( graph, with_labels=True, node_size=600, alpha=1.0, ax=axis, node_color="Gainsboro", font_size=14, font_weight="bold", ) if display_edge_labels: edge_labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(graph, weights) nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels( graph, pos, edge_labels=edge_labels, font_size=13 ) # font_weight='bold' def _plot_adj_matrix( adj_matrix, mat_color="gray_r", diverging=False, cbar_label="delay", cbar_stepsize=1 ): """Plot adjacency matrix.""" # Plot matrix, set minimum and maximum values to the same value for # diverging plots to center colormap at 0, i.e., 0 is plotted in white # # matplotlib-bwr-colormap-always-centered-on-zero if diverging: max_val = np.max(abs(adj_matrix)) min_val = -max_val else: max_val = np.max(adj_matrix) min_val = -np.min(adj_matrix) plt.imshow( adj_matrix, cmap=mat_color, interpolation="nearest", vmin=min_val, vmax=max_val ) # Set the colorbar and make colorbar match the image in size using the # fraction and pad parameters (see if cbar_label == "delay": cbar_label = "delay [samples]" cbar_ticks = np.arange(0, max_val + 1, cbar_stepsize) else: cbar_ticks = np.arange(min_val, max_val + 0.01 * max_val, cbar_stepsize) cbar = plt.colorbar(fraction=0.046, pad=0.04, ticks=cbar_ticks) cbar.set_label(cbar_label, rotation=90) # Set x- and y-ticks. plt.xticks(np.arange(adj_matrix.shape[1])) plt.yticks(np.arange(adj_matrix.shape[0])) ax = plt.gca() ax.xaxis.tick_top() return cbar
[docs]def plot_mute_graph(): """Plot MuTE example network. Network of 5 AR-processes, which is used as an example the paper on the MuTE toolbox (Montalto, PLOS ONE, 2014, eq. 14). The network consists of five autoregressive (AR) processes with model orders 2 and les and the following (non-linear) couplings: >>> 0 -> 1, u = 2 >>> 0 -> 2, u = 3 >>> 0 -> 3, u = 2 (non-linear) >>> 3 -> 4, u = 1 >>> 4 -> 3, u = 1 Returns: Figure handle Figure object from the matplotlib package """ graph = nx.DiGraph() graph.add_nodes_from(np.arange(5)) # graph.add_edges_from([(0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (3, 4), (4, 3)]) graph.add_weighted_edges_from( [(0, 1, 2), (0, 2, 3), (0, 3, 2), (3, 4, 1), (4, 3, 1)], weight="delay" ) pos = { 0: np.array([1, 1]), 1: np.array([0, 2]), 2: np.array([0, 0]), 3: np.array([2, 1]), 4: np.array([3, 1]), } fig = plt.figure() nx.draw( graph, pos=pos, with_labels=True, node_size=900, alpha=1.0, node_color="cadetblue", font_weight="bold", edge_color=["r", "k", "r", "k", "k"], hold=True, ) nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(graph, pos=pos) plt.text(2, 0.1, "non-linear interaction in red") # see here for an example on how to plot edge labels: # return fig
[docs]def plot_network_comparison(results): """Plot results of network comparison. Plot results of network comparison. Produces a figure with five subplots, where the first plot shows the network graph of the union network, the second plot shows the adjacency matrix of the union network, the third plot shows the qualitative results of the comparison of each link, the fourth plot shows the absolute differences in CMI per link, and the fifth plot shows p-values for each link. Args: results : ResultsNetworkComparison() instance network comparison results Returns: DiGraph instance of a directed graph class from the networkx package Figure figure handle, Figure object from the matplotlib package """ # Get union graph. adj_matrix = results.get_adjacency_matrix(weights="union") graph_union = io.export_networkx_graph(adj_matrix, weights="union") fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 15)) ax1 = plt.subplot(231) # plot union graph _plot_graph(graph_union, ax1) ax = plt.subplot(232) # plot union graph adjacency matrix _plot_adj_matrix( results.get_adjacency_matrix("union"), mat_color="PuBu", cbar_label="link in union", cbar_stepsize=1, ) ax.set_title("union network A and B", y=1.1) ax = plt.subplot(234) # plot comparison adjacency matrix if results.settings.tail_comp == "two": cbar_label = "A != B" elif results.settings.tail_comp == "one": cbar_label = "A > B" adj_matrix_comparison = results.get_adjacency_matrix("comparison") _plot_adj_matrix( adj_matrix_comparison, mat_color="OrRd", cbar_label=cbar_label, cbar_stepsize=1 ) ax.set_title("Comparison {0}".format(cbar_label), y=1.1) ax = plt.subplot(235) # plot abs. differences adjacency matrix adj_matrix_diff = results.get_adjacency_matrix("diff_abs") _plot_adj_matrix( adj_matrix_diff, mat_color="BuGn", cbar_label="norm. CMI diff [a.u.]", cbar_stepsize=0.1, ) ax.set_title("CMI diff abs (A - B)", y=1.1) ax = plt.subplot(236) # plot p-value adjacency matrix adj_matrix_pval = results.get_adjacency_matrix("pvalue") _plot_adj_matrix(adj_matrix_pval, mat_color="Greys", cbar_label="p-value") ax.set_title("p-value [%]", y=1.1) return graph_union, fig