"""Provide HDE estimators."""
import logging
import sys
from collections import Counter
from sys import stderr
import mpmath as mp
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize, newton
import idtxl.hde_utils as utl
from idtxl.estimator import Estimator
import idtxl.hde_fast_embedding as fast_emb
Error importing Cython fast embedding module for HDE estimator.
When running the HDE estimator, the slow Python implementation for optimizing the HDE embedding will be used,
this may take a long time. Other estimators are not affected.
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class RudeltAbstractEstimator(Estimator):
Abstract class for implementation of nsb and plugin estimators from Rudelt.
Abstract class for implementation of nsb and plugin estimators, child classes
implement estimators for mutual information (MI) .
[1]: L. Rudelt, D. G. Marx, M. Wibral, V. Priesemann: Embedding
optimization reveals long-lasting history dependence in
neural spiking activity, 2021, PLOS Computational Biology, 17(6)
[2]: https://github.com/Priesemann-Group/hdestimator
implemented in idtxl by Michael Lindner, Göttingen 2021
settings : dict
- embedding_step_size : float [optional]
Step size delta t (in seconds) with which the window is slid through the data
(default = 0.005).
- normalise : bool [optional]
rebase spike times to zero
- return_averaged_R : bool [optional]
If set to True, compute R̂tot as the average over R̂(T ) for T ∈ [T̂D, Tmax ] instead of
R̂tot = R(T̂D ). If set to True, the setting for number_of_bootstraps_R_tot is ignored and
set to 0
def __init__(self, settings=None):
# check settings
settings = self._check_settings()
# import given settings
self.settings = settings.copy()
# Get defaults for estimator settings
self.settings.setdefault("normalize", True)
self.settings.setdefault("embedding_step_size", 0.005)
self.settings.setdefault("return_averaged_R", True)
# check settings
[docs] def is_parallel(self):
return False
[docs] def is_analytic_null_estimator(self):
return False
def _check_settings(self, settings=None):
"""Set default for settings dictionary.
Check if settings dictionary is None. If None, initialise an empty
dictionary. If not None check if type is dictionary. Function should be
called before setting default values.
if settings is None:
return {}
elif type(settings) is not dict:
raise TypeError("settings should be a dictionary.")
return settings
def _check_input_settings(self):
# check that required settings are defined
required_settings = ["normalize", "embedding_step_size", "return_averaged_R"]
# check if all settings are defined
for required_setting in required_settings:
if not required_setting in self.settings:
"Error in settings file: {} is not defined. Aborting.".format(
assert isinstance(self.settings["normalize"], bool), (
"Error: setting 'normalize' needs to be boolean but is defined as {0}. "
assert isinstance(self.settings["return_averaged_R"], bool), (
"Error: setting 'return_averaged_R' needs to be boolean but is "
"defined as {0}. Aborting.".format(type(self.settings["normalize"]))
assert isinstance(self.settings["embedding_step_size"], float), (
"Error: setting 'embedding_step_size' "
"needs to be float but is defined "
"as {0}. Aborting.".format(type(self.settings["embedding_step_size"]))
def _check_estimator_inputs(
self, symbol_array, past_symbol_array, current_symbol_array, bbc_tolerance
assert isinstance(symbol_array, np.ndarray), (
"Error: symbol_array needs to be a numpy array but is defines as {0}."
if past_symbol_array is not None:
assert isinstance(past_symbol_array, np.ndarray), (
"Error: past_symbol_array needs to be a numpy array but is defines as {0}."
assert len(past_symbol_array) == len(symbol_array), (
"Error: symbol_array and past_symbol_array need to have the same length but have:"
"len(symbol_array): {0} len(past_symbol_array): {1}. "
"Aborting".format(len(symbol_array), len(past_symbol_array))
if current_symbol_array is not None:
assert isinstance(current_symbol_array, np.ndarray), (
"Error: current_symbol_array needs to be a numpy array but is defines as {0}."
assert len(current_symbol_array) == len(symbol_array), (
"Error: symbol_array and current_symbol_array need to have the same length but have:"
"len(symbol_array): {0} len(current_symbol_array): {1}. "
"Aborting".format(len(symbol_array), len(current_symbol_array))
if bbc_tolerance is not None:
assert isinstance(bbc_tolerance, np.ndarray), (
"Error: symbol array needs to be a numpy array but is defines as {0}."
def _ensure_one_dim(self, var):
check if array is 1D
var = np.squeeze(var)
assert var.ndim == 1, "Input variable needs to be one dimensional. Aborting"
[docs] def get_past_range(self, number_of_bins_d, first_bin_size, scaling_k):
Get the past range T of the embedding, based on the parameters d, tau_1 and k.
return sum(
first_bin_size * 10 ** ((number_of_bins_d - i) * scaling_k)
for i in range(1, number_of_bins_d + 1)
[docs] def get_window_delimiters(self, number_of_bins_d, scaling_k, first_bin_size):
Get delimiters of the window, used to describe the embedding. The
window includes both the past embedding and the response.
The delimiters are times, relative to the first bin, that separate
two consequent bins.
bin_sizes = [
first_bin_size * 10 ** ((number_of_bins_d - i) * scaling_k)
for i in range(1, number_of_bins_d + 1)
window_delimiters = [
sum([bin_sizes[j] for j in range(i)])
for i in range(1, number_of_bins_d + 1)
window_delimiters[number_of_bins_d - 1]
+ self.settings["embedding_step_size"]
return window_delimiters
[docs] def symbol_binary_to_array(self, symbol_binary, number_of_bins_d):
Given a binary representation of a symbol (cf symbol_array_to_binary),
convert it back into its array-representation.
# assert 2 ** number_of_bins_d > symbol_binary
spikes_in_window = np.zeros(number_of_bins_d)
for i in range(0, number_of_bins_d):
b = 2 ** (number_of_bins_d - 1 - i)
if b <= symbol_binary:
spikes_in_window[i] = 1
symbol_binary -= b
return spikes_in_window
[docs] def symbol_array_to_binary(self, spikes_in_window, number_of_bins_d):
Given an array of 1s and 0s, representing spikes and the absence
thereof, read the array as a binary number to obtain a
(base 10) integer.
# assert len(spikes_in_window) == number_of_bins_d
# TODO check if it makes sense to use len(spikes_in_window)
# directly, to avoid mismatch as well as confusion
# as number_of_bins_d here can also be number_of_bins
# as in get_median_number_of_spikes_per_bin, ie
# including the response
return sum(
2 ** (number_of_bins_d - i - 1) * spikes_in_window[i]
for i in range(0, number_of_bins_d)
[docs] def get_raw_symbols(self, spike_times, embedding, first_bin_size):
Get the raw symbols (in which the number of spikes per bin are counted,
ie not necessarily binary quantity), as obtained by applying the
past_range_T, number_of_bins_d, scaling_k = embedding
# the window is the embedding plus the response,
# ie the embedding and one additional bin of size embedding_step_size
window_delimiters = self.get_window_delimiters(
number_of_bins_d, scaling_k, first_bin_size
window_length = window_delimiters[-1]
num_spike_times = len(spike_times)
last_spike_time = spike_times[-1]
num_symbols = int(
(last_spike_time - window_length) / self.settings["embedding_step_size"]
raw_symbols = []
time = 0
spike_index_lo = 0
for symbol_num in range(num_symbols):
while (
spike_index_lo < num_spike_times and spike_times[spike_index_lo] < time
spike_index_lo += 1
spike_index_hi = spike_index_lo
while (
spike_index_hi < num_spike_times
and spike_times[spike_index_hi] < time + window_length
spike_index_hi += 1
spikes_in_window = np.zeros(number_of_bins_d + 1)
embedding_bin_index = 0
for spike_index in range(spike_index_lo, spike_index_hi):
while (
> time + window_delimiters[embedding_bin_index]
embedding_bin_index += 1
spikes_in_window[embedding_bin_index] += 1
raw_symbols += [spikes_in_window]
time += self.settings["embedding_step_size"]
return raw_symbols
[docs] def get_symbol_counts(self, symbol_array):
Count how often symbols occur
symbol_counts = Counter()
for symbol in np.unique(symbol_array):
symbol_counts[symbol] += len(np.where(symbol_array == symbol)[0])
return symbol_counts
[docs] def get_multiplicities(self, symbol_counts, alphabet_size):
Get the multiplicities of some given symbol counts.
To estimate the entropy of a system, it is only important how
often a symbol/ event occurs (the probability that it occurs), not
what it represents. Therefore, computations can be simplified by
summarizing symbols by their frequency, as represented by the
mk = dict(((value, 0) for value in symbol_counts.values()))
number_of_observed_symbols = np.count_nonzero(
[value for value in symbol_counts.values()]
for symbol in symbol_counts.keys():
mk[symbol_counts[symbol]] += 1
# the number of symbols that have not been observed in the data
mk[0] = alphabet_size - number_of_observed_symbols
return mk
[docs]class RudeltAbstractNSBEstimator(RudeltAbstractEstimator):
"""Abstract class for implementation of NSB estimators from Rudelt.
Abstract class for implementation of Nemenman-Shafee-Bialek (NSB)
estimators, child classes implement nsb estimators for mutual information
implemented in idtxl by Michael Lindner, Göttingen 2021
[1]: L. Rudelt, D. G. Marx, M. Wibral, V. Priesemann: Embedding
optimization reveals long-lasting history dependence in
neural spiking activity, 2021, PLOS Computational Biology, 17(6)
[2]: I. Nemenman, F. Shafee, W. Bialek: Entropy and inference,
revisited. In T.G. Dietterich, S. Becker, and Z. Ghahramani,
editors, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 14,
Cambridge, MA, 2002. MIT Press.
settings : dict
- embedding_step_size : float [optional]
Step size delta t (in seconds) with which the window is slid through the data
(default = 0.005).
- normalise : bool [optional]
rebase spike times to zero
- return_averaged_R : bool [optional]
If set to True, compute R̂tot as the average over R̂(T ) for T ∈ [T̂D, Tmax ] instead of
R̂tot = R(T̂D ). If set to True, the setting for number_of_bootstraps_R_tot is ignored and
set to 0
def __init__(self, settings=None):
# Set default estimator settings.
[docs] def d_xi(self, beta, K):
First derivative of xi(beta).
xi(beta) is the entropy of the system when no data has been observed.
d_xi is the prior for the nsb estimator
return K * mp.psi(1, K * beta + 1.0) - mp.psi(1, beta + 1.0)
[docs] def d2_xi(self, beta, K):
Second derivative of xi(beta) (cf d_xi).
return K**2 * mp.psi(2, K * beta + 1) - mp.psi(2, beta + 1)
[docs] def d3_xi(self, beta, K):
Third derivative of xi(beta) (cf d_xi).
return K**3 * mp.psi(3, K * beta + 1) - mp.psi(3, beta + 1)
[docs] def rho(self, beta, mk, K, N):
rho(beta, data) is the Dirichlet multinomial likelihood.
rho(beta, data) together with the d_xi(beta) make up
the posterior for the nsb estimator
return np.prod(
[mp.power(mp.rf(beta, np.double(n)), mk[n]) for n in mk]
) / mp.rf(K * beta, np.double(N))
[docs] def unnormalized_posterior(self, beta, mk, K, N):
The (unnormalized) posterior in the nsb estimator.
Product of the likelihood rho and the prior d_xi;
the normalizing factor is given by the marginal likelihood
return self.rho(beta, mk, K, N) * self.d_xi(beta, K)
[docs] def d_log_rho(self, beta, mk, K, N):
First derivate of the logarithm of the Dirichlet multinomial likelihood.
return (
K * (mp.psi(0, K * beta) - mp.psi(0, K * beta + N))
- K * mp.psi(0, beta)
+ sum((mk[n] * mp.psi(0, n + beta) for n in mk))
[docs] def d2_log_rho(self, beta, mk, K, N):
Second derivate of the logarithm of the Dirichlet multinomial likelihood.
return (
K**2 * (mp.psi(1, K * beta) - mp.psi(1, K * beta + N))
- K * mp.psi(1, beta)
+ sum((mk[n] * mp.psi(1, n + beta) for n in mk))
[docs] def d_log_rho_xi(self, beta, mk, K, N):
First derivative of the logarithm of the nsb (unnormalized) posterior.
return self.d_log_rho(beta, mk, K, N) + self.d2_xi(beta, K) / self.d_xi(beta, K)
[docs] def d2_log_rho_xi(self, beta, mk, K, N):
Second derivative of the logarithm of the nsb (unnormalized) posterior.
return (
self.d2_log_rho(beta, mk, K, N)
+ (self.d3_xi(beta, K) * self.d_xi(beta, K) - self.d2_xi(beta, K) ** 2)
/ self.d_xi(beta, K) ** 2
[docs] def log_likelihood_DP_alpha(self, a, K1, N):
Alpha-dependent terms of the log-likelihood of a Dirichlet Process.
return (K1 - 1.0) * mp.log(a) - mp.log(mp.rf(a + 1.0, N - 1.0))
[docs] def get_beta_MAP(self, mk, K, N):
Get the maximum a posteriori (MAP) value for beta.
Provides the location of the peak, around which we integrate.
beta_MAP is the value for beta for which the posterior of the
NSB estimator is maximised (or, equivalently, of the logarithm
thereof, as computed here).
K1 = K - mk[0]
if self.d_log_rho(10**1, mk, K, N) > 0:
print("Warning: No ML parameter was found.", file=stderr, flush=True)
beta_MAP = np.nan
# first guess computed via posterior of Dirichlet process
DP_est = self.alpha_ML(mk, K1, N) / K
beta_MAP = newton(
lambda beta: float(self.d_log_rho_xi(beta, mk, K, N)),
lambda beta: float(self.d2_log_rho_xi(beta, mk, K, N)),
"Warning: No ML parameter was found. (Exception caught.)",
beta_MAP = np.nan
return beta_MAP
[docs] def alpha_ML(self, mk, K1, N):
Compute first guess for the beta_MAP (cf get_beta_MAP) parameter
via the posterior of a Dirichlet process.
mk = utl.remove_key(mk, 0)
# rnsum = np.array([_logvarrhoi_DP(n, mk[n]) for n in mk]).sum()
estlist = [N * (K1 - 1.0) / r / (N - K1) for r in np.arange(6.0, 1.5, -0.5)]
varrholist = {}
for a in estlist:
# varrholist[_logvarrho_DP(a, rnsum, K1, N)] = a
varrholist[self.log_likelihood_DP_alpha(a, K1, N)] = a
a_est = varrholist[max(varrholist.keys())]
res = minimize(
lambda a: -self.log_likelihood_DP_alpha(a[0], K1, N),
return res.x[0]
[docs] def get_integration_bounds(self, mk, K, N):
Find the integration bounds for the estimator.
Typically it is a delta-like distribution so it is sufficient
to integrate around this peak. (If not this function is not
beta_MAP = self.get_beta_MAP(mk, K, N)
if np.isnan(beta_MAP):
intbounds = np.nan
std = np.sqrt(-self.d2_log_rho_xi(beta_MAP, mk, K, N) ** (-1))
intbounds = [
float(np.amax([10 ** (-50), beta_MAP - 8 * std])),
float(beta_MAP + 8 * std),
return intbounds
[docs] def H1(self, beta, mk, K, N):
Compute the first moment (expectation value) of the entropy H.
H is the entropy one obtains with a symmetric Dirichlet prior
with concentration parameter beta and a multinomial likelihood.
norm = N + beta * K
return (
mp.psi(0, norm + 1)
- sum((mk[n] * (n + beta) * mp.psi(0, n + beta + 1) for n in mk)) / norm
[docs] def nsb_entropy(self, mk, K, N):
Estimate the entropy of a system using the NSB estimator.
:param mk: multiplicities
:param K: number of possible symbols/ state space of the system
:param N: total number of observed symbols
mp.pretty = True
# find the concentration parameter beta
# for which the posterior is maximised
# to integrate around this peak
integration_bounds = self.get_integration_bounds(mk, K, N)
if np.any(np.isnan(integration_bounds)):
# if no peak was found, integrate over the whole range
# by reformulating beta into w so that the range goes from 0 to 1
# instead of from 1 to infinity
integration_bounds = [0, 1]
def unnormalized_posterior_w(w, mk, K, N):
sbeta = w / (1 - w)
beta = sbeta * sbeta
return (
self.unnormalized_posterior(beta, mk, K, N)
* 2
* sbeta
/ (1 - w)
/ (1 - w)
def H1_w(w, mk, K, N):
sbeta = w / (1 - w)
beta = sbeta * sbeta
return self.H1(w, mk, K, N)
marginal_likelihood = mp.quadgl(
lambda w: unnormalized_posterior_w(w, mk, K, N), integration_bounds
H_nsb = (
lambda w: H1_w(w, mk, K, N) * unnormalized_posterior_w(w, mk, K, N),
/ marginal_likelihood
# integrate over the possible entropies, weighted such that every entropy is equally likely
# and normalize with the marginal likelihood
marginal_likelihood = mp.quadgl(
lambda beta: self.unnormalized_posterior(beta, mk, K, N),
H_nsb = (
lambda beta: self.H1(beta, mk, K, N)
* self.unnormalized_posterior(beta, mk, K, N),
/ marginal_likelihood
return H_nsb
[docs]class RudeltNSBEstimatorSymbolsMI(RudeltAbstractNSBEstimator):
"""History dependence NSB estimator
Calculate the mutual information (MI) of one variable depending on its past
using NSB estimator. See parent class for references.
implemented in idtxl by Michael Lindner, Göttingen 2021
settings : dict
- embedding_step_size : float [optional]
Step size delta t (in seconds) with which the window is slid through the data
(default = 0.005).
- normalise : bool [optional]
rebase spike times to zero
- return_averaged_R : bool [optional]
If set to True, compute R̂tot as the average over R̂(T ) for T ∈ [T̂D, Tmax ] instead of
R̂tot = R(T̂D ). If set to True, the setting for number_of_bootstraps_R_tot is ignored and
set to 0
def __init__(self, settings=None):
# Set default estimator settings.
[docs] def nsb_estimator(
Estimate the entropy of a system using the NSB estimator.
mk = self.get_multiplicities(symbol_counts, alphabet_size)
mk_past = self.get_multiplicities(past_symbol_counts, alphabet_size_past)
N = sum((mk[n] * n for n in mk.keys()))
H_nsb_joint = self.nsb_entropy(mk, alphabet_size, N)
H_nsb_past = self.nsb_entropy(mk_past, alphabet_size_past, N)
H_nsb_cond = H_nsb_joint - H_nsb_past
I_nsb = H_uncond - H_nsb_cond
R_nsb = I_nsb / H_uncond
return I_nsb, R_nsb
[docs] def estimate(self, symbol_array, past_symbol_array, current_symbol_array):
"""Estimate mutual information using NSB estimator.
symbol_array : 1D numpy array
realisations of symbols based on current and past states.
(first output of get_realisations_symbol from data_spiketimes object)
past_symbol_array : numpy array
realisations of symbols based on current and past states.
(first output of get_realisations_symbol from data_spiketimes object)
current_symbol_array : numpy array
realisations of symbols based on current and past states.
(first output of get_realisations_symbol from data_spiketimes object)
I (float)
R (float)
MI / H_uncond (History dependence)
symbol_array, past_symbol_array, current_symbol_array, None
symbol_counts = self.get_symbol_counts(symbol_array)
current_symbol_counts = self.get_symbol_counts(current_symbol_array)
H_uncond = utl.get_H_spiking(symbol_counts)
past_symbol_counts = self.get_symbol_counts(past_symbol_array)
number_of_bins_d_join = len(list(np.binary_repr(np.max(symbol_array))))
alphabet_size_past = 2 ** int(number_of_bins_d_join - 1) # K for past activity
alphabet_size = alphabet_size_past * 2 # K
I, R = self.nsb_estimator(
return float(I), float(R)
[docs]class RudeltPluginEstimatorSymbolsMI(RudeltAbstractEstimator):
"""Plugin History dependence estimator
Calculate the mutual information (MI) of one variable depending on its past
using plugin estimator. See parent class for references.
implemented in idtxl by Michael Lindner, Göttingen 2021
settings : dict
- embedding_step_size : float [optional] - Step size delta t (in seconds) with which the window is slid
through the data (default = 0.005).
- normalise : bool [optional] - rebase spike times to zero (default=True)
- return_averaged_R : bool [optional] - rebase spike times to zero (default=True)
[docs] def plugin_entropy(self, mk, N):
Estimate the entropy of a system using the Plugin estimator.
(In principle this is the same function as utl.get_shannon_entropy,
only here it is a function of the multiplicities, not the probabilities.)
:param mk: multiplicities
:param N: total number of observed symbols
mk = utl.remove_key(mk, 0)
return -sum((mk[n] * (n / N) * np.log(n / N) for n in mk))
[docs] def plugin_estimator(
Estimate the entropy of a system using the BBC estimator.
mk = self.get_multiplicities(symbol_counts, alphabet_size)
mk_past = self.get_multiplicities(past_symbol_counts, alphabet_size_past)
N = sum((mk[n] * n for n in mk.keys()))
H_plugin_joint = self.plugin_entropy(mk, N)
H_plugin_past = self.plugin_entropy(mk_past, N)
H_plugin_cond = H_plugin_joint - H_plugin_past
I_plugin = H_uncond - H_plugin_cond
R_plugin = I_plugin / H_uncond
return I_plugin, R_plugin
[docs] def estimate(self, symbol_array, past_symbol_array, current_symbol_array):
"""Estimate mutual information using plugin estimator.
symbol_array : 1D numpy array
realisations of symbols based on current and past states.
(first output of get_realisations_symbol from data_spiketimes object)
past_symbol_array : numpy array
realisations of symbols based on current and past states.
(first output of get_realisations_symbol from data_spiketimes object)
current_symbol_array : numpy array
realisations of symbols based on current and past states.
(first output of get_realisations_symbol from data_spiketimes object)
I (float)
R (float)
MI / H_uncond (History dependence)
symbol_array, past_symbol_array, current_symbol_array, None
symbol_counts = self.get_symbol_counts(symbol_array)
current_symbol_counts = self.get_symbol_counts(current_symbol_array)
# H_uncond_orig = utl.get_H_spiking(symbol_counts)
H_uncond = utl.get_H_spiking(symbol_counts)
# past_symbol_counts = utl.get_past_symbol_counts(symbol_counts)
past_symbol_counts = self.get_symbol_counts(past_symbol_array)
# number_of_bins_d_join = np.array(list(np.binary_repr(np.max(past_symbol_array)))).astype(np.int8)
number_of_bins_d_join = len(list(np.binary_repr(np.max(symbol_array))))
alphabet_size_past = 2 ** int(number_of_bins_d_join - 1) # K for past activity
alphabet_size = alphabet_size_past * 2 # K
I, R = self.plugin_estimator(
return float(I), float(R)
[docs]class RudeltBBCEstimator(RudeltAbstractEstimator):
Bayesian bias criterion (BBC) Estimator using NSB and Plugin estimator
Calculate the mutual information (MI) of one variable depending on its past
using nsb and plugin estimator and check if bias criterion is passed.
See parent class for references.
implemented in idtxl by Michael Lindner, Göttingen 2021
settings : dict
- embedding_step_size : float [optional]
Step size delta t (in seconds) with which the window is slid through the data
(default = 0.005).
- normalise : bool [optional]
rebase spike times to zero
- return_averaged_R : bool [optional]
If set to True, compute R̂tot as the average over R̂(T ) for T ∈ [T̂D, Tmax ] instead of
R̂tot = R(T̂D ). If set to True, the setting for number_of_bootstraps_R_tot is ignored and
set to 0
[docs] def bayesian_bias_criterion(self, R_nsb, R_plugin, bbc_tolerance):
Get whether the Bayesian bias criterion (bbc) is passed.
:param R_nsb: history dependence computed with NSB estimator
:param R_plugin: history dependence computed with plugin estimator
:param bbc_tolerance: tolerance for the Bayesian bias criterion
if self.get_bbc_term(R_nsb, R_plugin) < bbc_tolerance:
return 1
return 0
[docs] def get_bbc_term(self, R_nsb, R_plugin):
Get the bbc tolerance-independent term of the Bayesian bias
criterion (bbc).
:param R_nsb: history dependence computed with NSB estimator
:param R_plugin: history dependence computed with plugin estimator
if R_nsb > 0:
return np.abs(R_nsb - R_plugin) / R_nsb
return np.inf
[docs] def estimate(
self, symbol_array, past_symbol_array, current_symbol_array, bbc_tolerance=None
Calculate the mutual information (MI) of one variable depending on its past
using nsb and plugin estimator and check if bias criterion is passed/
symbol_array : 1D numpy array
realisations of symbols based on current and past states.
(first output of get_realisations_symbol from data_spiketimes object)
past_symbol_array : numpy array
realisations of symbols based on current and past states.
(first output of get_realisations_symbol from data_spiketimes object)
current_symbol_array : numpy array
realisations of symbols based on current and past states.
(first output of get_realisations_symbol from data_spiketimes object)
I (float)
R (float)
MI / H_uncond (History dependence)
bbc_term (float)
bbc tolerance-independent term of the Bayesian bias
criterion (bbc)
symbol_array, past_symbol_array, current_symbol_array, bbc_tolerance
estnsb = RudeltNSBEstimatorSymbolsMI()
I_nsb, R_nsb = estnsb.estimate(
symbol_array, past_symbol_array, current_symbol_array
estplugin = RudeltPluginEstimatorSymbolsMI()
I_plugin, R_plugin = estplugin.estimate(
symbol_array, past_symbol_array, current_symbol_array
if not bbc_tolerance == None:
if self.bayesian_bias_criterion(R_nsb, R_plugin, bbc_tolerance):
return float(I_nsb), float(R_nsb)
return None
return (
float(self.get_bbc_term(R_nsb, R_plugin)),
[docs]class RudeltShufflingEstimator(RudeltAbstractEstimator):
Estimate the history dependence in a spike train using the shuffling estimator.
See parent class for references.
implemented in idtxl by Michael Lindner, Göttingen 2021
[docs] def get_P_X_uncond(self, number_of_symbols):
Compute P(X), the probability of the current activity using
the plug-in estimator.
return [
number_of_symbols[0] / sum(number_of_symbols),
number_of_symbols[1] / sum(number_of_symbols),
[docs] def get_P_X_past_uncond(self, past_symbol_counts, number_of_symbols):
Compute P(X_past), the probability of the past activity using
the plug-in estimator.
P_X_past_uncond = {}
for response in [0, 1]:
for symbol in past_symbol_counts[response]:
if symbol in P_X_past_uncond:
P_X_past_uncond[symbol] += past_symbol_counts[response][symbol]
P_X_past_uncond[symbol] = past_symbol_counts[response][symbol]
number_of_symbols_uncond = sum(number_of_symbols)
for symbol in P_X_past_uncond:
P_X_past_uncond[symbol] /= number_of_symbols_uncond
return P_X_past_uncond
[docs] def get_P_X_past_cond_X(self, past_symbol_counts, number_of_symbols):
Compute P(X_past | X), the probability of the past activity conditioned
on the response X using the plug-in estimator.
P_X_past_cond_X = [{}, {}]
for response in [0, 1]:
for symbol in past_symbol_counts[response]:
P_X_past_cond_X[response][symbol] = (
past_symbol_counts[response][symbol] / number_of_symbols[response]
return P_X_past_cond_X
[docs] def get_H0_X_past_cond_X_eq_x(self, marginal_probabilities, number_of_bins_d):
Compute H_0(X_past | X = x), cf get_H0_X_past_cond_X.
return utl.get_shannon_entropy(
) + utl.get_shannon_entropy(1 - marginal_probabilities)
[docs] def get_H0_X_past_cond_X(
self, marginal_probabilities, number_of_bins_d, P_X_uncond
Compute H_0(X_past | X), the estimate of the entropy for the past
symbols given a response, under the assumption that activity in
the past contributes independently towards the response.
H0_X_past_cond_X_eq_x = [0, 0]
for response in [0, 1]:
H0_X_past_cond_X_eq_x[response] = self.get_H0_X_past_cond_X_eq_x(
marginal_probabilities[response], number_of_bins_d
return sum(
P_X_uncond[response] * H0_X_past_cond_X_eq_x[response]
for response in [0, 1]
[docs] def get_H_X_past_uncond(self, P_X_past_uncond):
Compute H(X_past), the plug-in estimate of the entropy for the past symbols, given
their probabilities.
return utl.get_shannon_entropy(P_X_past_uncond.values())
[docs] def get_H_X_past_cond_X(self, P_X_uncond, P_X_past_cond_X):
Compute H(X_past | X), the plug-in estimate of the conditional entropy for the past
symbols, conditioned on the response X, given their probabilities.
return sum(
* self.get_H_X_past_uncond(P_X_past_cond_X[response])
for response in [0, 1]
[docs] def get_marginal_frequencies_of_spikes_in_bins(
self, symbol_counts, number_of_bins_d
Compute for each past bin 1...d the sum of spikes found in that bin across all
observed symbols.
return np.array(
self.symbol_binary_to_array(symbol, number_of_bins_d)
* symbol_counts[symbol]
for symbol in symbol_counts
[docs] def get_shuffled_symbol_counts(
self, symbol_counts, past_symbol_counts, number_of_bins_d, number_of_symbols
Simulate new data by, for each past bin 1...d, permutating the activity
across all observed past_symbols (for a given response X). The marginal
probability of observing a spike given the response is thus preserved for
each past bin.
number_of_spikes = sum(past_symbol_counts[1].values())
marginal_frequencies = [
past_symbol_counts[response], number_of_bins_d
for response in [0, 1]
shuffled_past_symbols = [
np.zeros(number_of_symbols[response]) for response in [0, 1]
for i in range(0, number_of_bins_d):
for response in [0, 1]:
shuffled_past_symbols[response] += 2 ** (
number_of_bins_d - i - 1
) * np.random.permutation(
- marginal_frequencies[response][i]
for response in [0, 1]:
shuffled_past_symbols[response] = np.array(
shuffled_past_symbols[response], dtype=int
shuffled_past_symbol_counts = [Counter(), Counter()]
for response in [0, 1]:
for past_symbol in shuffled_past_symbols[response]:
shuffled_past_symbol_counts[response][past_symbol] += 1
marginal_probabilities = [
marginal_frequencies[response] / number_of_symbols[response]
for response in [0, 1]
return shuffled_past_symbol_counts, marginal_probabilities
[docs] def shuffling_MI(self, symbol_counts, number_of_bins_d):
Estimate the mutual information between current and past activity
in a spike train using the shuffling estimator.
To obtain the shuffling estimate, compute the plug-in estimate and
a correction term to reduce its bias.
For the plug-in estimate:
- Extract the past_symbol_counts from the symbol_counts.
- I_plugin = H(X_past) - H(X_past | X)
- X: current activity, aka response
- X_past: past activity
- P_X_uncond: P(X)
- P_X_past_uncond: P(X_past)
- P_X_past_cond_X: P(X_past | X)
- H_X_past_uncond: H(X_past)
- H_X_past_cond_X: H(X_past | X)
- I_plugin: plugin estimate of I(X_past; X)
For the correction term:
- Simulate additional data under the assumption that activity
in the past contributes independently towards the current activity.
- Compute the entropy under the assumptions of the model, which
due to its simplicity is easy to sample and the estimate unbiased
- Compute the entropy using the plug-in estimate, whose bias is
similar to that of the plug-in estimate on the original data
- Compute the correction term as the difference between the
unbiased and biased terms
- P0_sh_X_past_cond_X: P_0,sh(X_past | X), equiv. to P(X_past | X)
on the shuffled data
- H0_X_past_cond_X: H_0(X_past | X), based on the model of independent
- H0_sh_X_past_cond_X: H_0,sh(X_past | X), based on
- P0_sh_X_past_cond_X, ie the plug-in estimate
- I_corr: the correction term to reduce the bias of I_plugin
symbol_counts : iterable
the activity of a spike train is embedded into symbols,
whose occurrences are counted (cf emb.get_symbol_counts)
number_of_bins_d : int
the number of bins of the embedding
# plug-in estimate
past_symbol_counts = utl.get_past_symbol_counts(symbol_counts, merge=False)
number_of_symbols = [
sum(past_symbol_counts[response].values()) for response in [0, 1]
P_X_uncond = self.get_P_X_uncond(number_of_symbols)
P_X_past_uncond = self.get_P_X_past_uncond(
past_symbol_counts, number_of_symbols
P_X_past_cond_X = self.get_P_X_past_cond_X(
past_symbol_counts, number_of_symbols
H_X_past_uncond = self.get_H_X_past_uncond(P_X_past_uncond)
H_X_past_cond_X = self.get_H_X_past_cond_X(P_X_uncond, P_X_past_cond_X)
I_plugin = H_X_past_uncond - H_X_past_cond_X
# correction term
) = self.get_shuffled_symbol_counts(
symbol_counts, past_symbol_counts, number_of_bins_d, number_of_symbols
P0_sh_X_past_cond_X = self.get_P_X_past_cond_X(
shuffled_past_symbol_counts, number_of_symbols
H0_X_past_cond_X = self.get_H0_X_past_cond_X(
marginal_probabilities, number_of_bins_d, P_X_uncond
H0_sh_X_past_cond_X = self.get_H_X_past_cond_X(P_X_uncond, P0_sh_X_past_cond_X)
I_corr = H0_X_past_cond_X - H0_sh_X_past_cond_X
# shuffling estimate
return I_plugin - I_corr
[docs] def estimate(self, symbol_array):
Estimate the history dependence in a spike train using the shuffling estimator.
symbol_array : 1D numpy array
realisations of symbols based on current and past states.
(first output of get_realisations_symbol from data_spiketimes object)
I (float)
R (float)
MI / H_uncond (History dependence)
self._check_estimator_inputs(symbol_array, None, None, None)
symbol_counts = self.get_symbol_counts(symbol_array)
# number_of_bins_d_join = np.array(list(np.binary_repr(np.max(symbol_array)))).astype(np.int8)
number_of_bins_d_join = len(list(np.binary_repr(np.max(symbol_array))))
H_uncond = utl.get_H_spiking(symbol_counts)
I_sh = self.shuffling_MI(symbol_counts, number_of_bins_d_join - 1)
R_sh = I_sh / H_uncond
return I_sh, R_sh