Source code for idtxl.embedding_optimization_ais_Rudelt

""" Optimization of embedding parameters of spike times using the history dependence estimators """

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import newton
from sys import stderr
from idtxl.estimators_Rudelt import RudeltBBCEstimator, RudeltShufflingEstimator
import idtxl.hde_utils as utl
from idtxl.results import DotDict, ResultsSingleProcessRudelt
from pathlib import Path
from idtxl.data_spiketime import Data_spiketime

# noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit
[docs]class OptimizationRudelt: """ Optimization of embedding parameters of spike times using the history dependence estimators References: [1]: L. Rudelt, D. G. Marx, M. Wibral, V. Priesemann: Embedding optimization reveals long-lasting history dependence in neural spiking activity, 2021, PLOS Computational Biology, 17(6) [2]: implemented in idtxl by Michael Lindner, Göttingen 2021 Args: settings : dict - estimation_method : string The method to be used to estimate the history dependence 'bbc' or 'shuffling'. - embedding_step_size : float Step size delta t (in seconds) with which the window is slid through the data. (default: 0.005) - embedding_number_of_bins_set : list of integer values Set of values for d, the number of bins in the embedding. (default: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) - embedding_past_range_set : list of floating-point values Set of values for T, the past range (in seconds) to be used for embeddings. (default: [0.005, 0.00561, 0.00629, 0.00706, 0.00792, 0.00889, 0.00998, 0.01119, 0.01256, 0.01409, 0.01581, 0.01774, 0.01991, 0.02233, 0.02506, 0.02812, 0.03155, 0.0354, 0.03972, 0.04456, 0.05, 0.0561, 0.06295, 0.07063, 0.07924, 0.08891, 0.09976, 0.11194, 0.12559, 0.14092, 0.15811, 0.17741, 0.19905, 0.22334, 0.25059, 0.28117, 0.31548, 0.35397, 0.39716, 0.44563, 0.5, 0.56101, 0.62946, 0.70627, 0.79245, 0.88914, 0.99763, 1.11936, 1.25594, 1.40919, 1.58114, 1.77407, 1.99054, 2.23342, 2.50594, 2.81171, 3.15479, 3.53973, 3.97164, 4.45625, 5.0]) - embedding_scaling_exponent_set : dict Set of values for kappa, the scaling exponent for the bins in the embedding. Should be a python-dictionary with the three entries 'number_of_scalings', 'min_first_bin_size' and 'min_step_for_scaling'. defaults: {'number_of_scalings': 10, 'min_first_bin_size': 0.005, 'min_step_for_scaling': 0.01}) - bbc_tolerance : float The tolerance for the Bayesian Bias Criterion. Influences which embeddings are discarded from the analysis. (default: 0.05) - return_averaged_R : bool Return R_tot as the average over R(T) for T in [T_D, T_max], instead of R_tot = R(T_D). If set to True, the setting for number_of_bootstraps_R_tot (see below) is ignored and set to 0 and CI bounds are not calculated. (default: True) - timescale_minimum_past_range : float Minimum past range T_0 (in seconds) to take into consideration for the estimation of the information timescale tau_R. (default: 0.01) - number_of_bootstraps_R_max : int The number of bootstrap re-shuffles that should be used to determine the optimal embedding. (Bootstrap the estimates of R_max to determine R_tot.) These are computed during the 'history-dependence' task because they are essential to obtain R_tot. (default: 250) - number_of_bootstraps_R_tot : int The number of bootstrap re-shuffles that should be used to estimate the confidence interval of the optimal embedding. (Bootstrap the estimates of R_tot = R(T_D) to obtain a confidence interval for R_tot.). These are computed during the 'confidence-intervals' task. The setting return_averaged_R (see above) needs to be set to False for this setting to take effect. (default: 250) - number_of_bootstraps_nonessential : int The number of bootstrap re-shuffles that should be used to estimate the confidence intervals for embeddings other than the optimal one. (Bootstrap the estimates of R(T) for all other T.) (These are not necessary for the main analysis and therefore default to 0.) - symbol_block_length : int The number of symbols that should be drawn in each block for bootstrap resampling If it is set to None (recommended), the length is automatically chosen, based on heuristics (default: None) - bootstrap_CI_use_sd : bool Most of the time we observed normally-distributed bootstrap replications, so it is sufficient (and more efficient) to compute confidence intervals based on the standard deviation (default: True) - bootstrap_CI_percentile_lo : float The lower percentile for the confidence interval. This has no effect if bootstrap_CI_use_sd is set to True (default: 2.5) - bootstrap_CI_percentile_hi : float The upper percentiles for the confidence interval. This has no effect if bootstrap_CI_use_sd is set to True (default: 97.5) - analyse_auto_MI : bool perform calculation of auto mutual information of the spike train (default: True) If set to True: - auto_MI_bin_size_set : list of floating-point values Set of values for the sizes of the bins (in seconds). (default: [0.005, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.25, 0.5]) - auto_MI_max_delay : int The maximum delay (in seconds) between the past bin and the response. (default: 5) - visualization : bool create .eps output image showing the optimization values and graphs for the history dependence and the auto mutual information (default: False) if set to True: - output_path : String Path where the .eps images should be saved - output_prefix : String Prefix of the output images e.g. <output_prefix>_process0.eps - debug: bool show values while calculating (default: False) """ def __init__(self, settings=None): settings = self._check_settings(settings) self.settings = settings.copy() self.settings.setdefault("embedding_step_size", 0.005) self.settings.setdefault( "embedding_past_range_set", [ 0.005, 0.00561, 0.00629, 0.00706, 0.00792, 0.00889, 0.00998, 0.01119, 0.01256, 0.01409, 0.01581, 0.01774, 0.01991, 0.02233, 0.02506, 0.02812, 0.03155, 0.0354, 0.03972, 0.04456, 0.05, 0.0561, 0.06295, 0.07063, 0.07924, 0.08891, 0.09976, 0.11194, 0.12559, 0.14092, 0.15811, 0.17741, 0.19905, 0.22334, 0.25059, 0.28117, 0.31548, 0.35397, 0.39716, 0.44563, 0.5, 0.56101, 0.62946, 0.70627, 0.79245, 0.88914, 0.99763, 1.11936, 1.25594, 1.40919, 1.58114, 1.77407, 1.99054, 2.23342, 2.50594, 2.81171, 3.15479, 3.53973, 3.97164, 4.45625, 5.0, ], ) self.settings.setdefault("embedding_number_of_bins_set", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) self.settings.setdefault( "embedding_scaling_exponent_set", { "number_of_scalings": 10, "min_first_bin_size": 0.005, "min_step_for_scaling": 0.01, }, ) self.settings.setdefault("bbc_tolerance", 0.05) self.settings.setdefault("return_averaged_R", True) self.settings.setdefault("timescale_minimum_past_range", 0.01) self.settings.setdefault("analyse_auto_MI", True) self.settings.setdefault( "auto_MI_bin_size_set", [0.005, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.25, 0.5] ) self.settings.setdefault("auto_MI_max_delay", 5) self.settings.setdefault("number_of_bootstraps_R_max", 250) self.settings.setdefault("number_of_bootstraps_R_tot", 250) self.settings.setdefault("number_of_bootstraps_nonessential", 0) self.settings.setdefault("symbol_block_length", None) self.settings.setdefault("bootstrap_CI_use_sd", True) self.settings.setdefault("bootstrap_CI_percentile_lo", 2.5) self.settings.setdefault("bootstrap_CI_percentile_hi", 97.5) self.settings.setdefault("visualization", False) self.settings.setdefault("debug", False) self.check_inputs() # ------------------------------------------------------------- TODO CHECK INPUTS self.embeddings = self.get_embeddings( self.settings["embedding_past_range_set"], self.settings["embedding_number_of_bins_set"], self.settings["embedding_scaling_exponent_set"], ) @staticmethod def _check_settings(settings=None): """Set default for settings dictionary. Check if settings dictionary is None. If None, initialise an empty dictionary. If not None check if type is dictionary. Function should be called before setting default values. """ if settings is None: return {} elif type(settings) is not dict: raise TypeError("settings should be a dictionary.") else: return settings
[docs] def check_inputs(self): """ Check input settings for completeness """ args_float = [ "embedding_step_size", "timescale_minimum_past_range", "bootstrap_CI_percentile_lo", "bootstrap_CI_percentile_hi", "bbc_tolerance", ] for key in args_float: assert key in self.settings, key + " has to be specified (see help)!" assert isinstance(self.settings[key], float), ( "Error: setting '" + key + "' needs to an floating point value (see help!!). Aborting." ) args_int = [ "number_of_bootstraps_R_max", "number_of_bootstraps_R_tot", "number_of_bootstraps_nonessential", ] for key in args_int: assert key in self.settings, key + " has to be specified (see help)!" assert isinstance(self.settings[key], int), ( "Error: setting '" + key + "' needs to an integer value (see help!!). Aborting." ) args_bool = ["return_averaged_R", "bootstrap_CI_use_sd", "debug"] for key in args_bool: assert key in self.settings, key + " has to be specified (see help)!" assert isinstance(self.settings[key], bool), ( "Error: setting '" + key + "' needs to a boolean expression (see help!!). Aborting." ) assert ( "embedding_past_range_set" in self.settings ), "embedding_past_range_set has to be specified (see help)!" assert isinstance(self.settings["embedding_past_range_set"], list), ( "Error: setting 'embedding_past_range_set' needs to be a list but is defined as {0}. " "Aborting.".format(type(self.settings["embedding_past_range_set"])) ) assert ( "embedding_number_of_bins_set" in self.settings ), "embedding_number_of_bins_set has to be specified (see help)!" assert isinstance(self.settings["embedding_number_of_bins_set"], list), ( "Error: setting 'embedding_number_of_bins_set' needs to a list but is defined as {0}. " "Aborting.".format(type(self.settings["embedding_number_of_bins_set"])) ) assert ( "embedding_scaling_exponent_set" in self.settings ), "embedding_scaling_exponent_set has to be specified (see help)!" assert ( "number_of_scalings" in self.settings["embedding_scaling_exponent_set"] ), "'number_of_scalings' have to be specified in self.settings['embedding_scaling_exponent_set'] (see help)!" assert isinstance( self.settings["embedding_scaling_exponent_set"]["number_of_scalings"], int ), ( "Error: setting 'number_of_scalings' needs to be an integer value but is defined as {0}. " "Aborting.".format(type(self.settings["number_of_scalings"])) ) assert ( "min_first_bin_size" in self.settings["embedding_scaling_exponent_set"] ), "'min_first_bin_size' have to be specified in self.settings['embedding_scaling_exponent_set'] (see help)!" assert isinstance( self.settings["embedding_scaling_exponent_set"]["min_first_bin_size"], float ), ( "Error: setting 'min_first_bin_sizes' needs to be a floating point value but is defined as {0}. " "Aborting.".format(type(self.settings["min_first_bin_sizes"])) ) assert ( "min_step_for_scaling" in self.settings["embedding_scaling_exponent_set"] ), "'min_step_for_scaling' have to be specified in self.settings['embedding_scaling_exponent_set'] (see help)!" assert isinstance( self.settings["embedding_scaling_exponent_set"]["min_step_for_scaling"], float, ), ( "Error: setting 'min_step_for_scaling' needs to be a floating point value but is defined as {0}. " "Aborting.".format(type(self.settings["min_step_for_scaling"])) ) assert ( "symbol_block_length" in self.settings ), "symbol_block_length has to be specified (see help)!" if self.settings["symbol_block_length"] is not None: assert isinstance(self.settings["symbol_block_length"], int), ( "Error: setting 'symbol_block_length' needs to an integer value but is defined as {0}. " "Aborting.".format(type(self.settings["symbol_block_length"])) ) if self.settings["analyse_auto_MI"]: assert isinstance(self.settings["analyse_auto_MI"], bool), ( "Error: setting 'analyse_auto_MI' needs to be a boolean expression but is defined as {0}. " "Aborting.".format(type(self.settings["analyse_auto_MI"])) ) assert ( "auto_MI_bin_size_set" in self.settings ), "If analyse_auto_MI is set to True, auto_MI_bin_size_set has to be specified (see help)!" assert isinstance(self.settings["auto_MI_bin_size_set"], list), ( "Error: setting 'auto_MI_bin_size_set' needs to a list but is defined as {0}. " "Aborting.".format(type(self.settings["auto_MI_bin_size_set"])) ) assert ( "auto_MI_max_delay" in self.settings ), "If analyse_auto_MI is set to True, auto_MI_max_delay has to be specified (see help)!" assert isinstance(self.settings["auto_MI_max_delay"], int), ( "Error: setting 'auto_MI_max_delay' needs to be an integer value but is defined as {0}. " "Aborting.".format(type(self.settings["auto_MI_max_delay"])) ) if self.settings["visualization"]: assert isinstance(self.settings["visualization"], bool), ( "Error: setting 'visualization' needs to be boolean but is defined as {0}. " "Aborting.".format(type(self.settings["visualization"])) ) assert ( "output_path" in self.settings ), "If visualization is set to True an output path has to be specified (see help)!" assert ( "output_prefix" in self.settings ), "If visualization is set to True an output prefix has to be specified (see help)!" # Cython implementation uses 64bit unsigned integers for the symbols, # we allow up to 62 bins (window has 1 bin more..) assert ( max(self.settings["embedding_number_of_bins_set"]) <= 62 ), "Error: Max number of bins too large; use less than 63. Aborting." # If R_tot is computed as an average over Rs, no confidence interval can be estimated if self.settings["return_averaged_R"]: self.settings["number_of_bootstraps_R_tot"] = 0
[docs] def get_embeddings( self, embedding_past_range_set, embedding_number_of_bins_set, embedding_scaling_exponent_set, ): """ Get all combinations of parameters T, d, k, based on the sets of selected parameters. """ embeddings = [] for past_range_T in embedding_past_range_set: for number_of_bins_d in embedding_number_of_bins_set: if not isinstance(number_of_bins_d, int) or number_of_bins_d < 1: print( "Error: number of bins {} is not a positive integer. Skipping.".format( number_of_bins_d ), file=stderr, flush=True, ) continue if type(embedding_scaling_exponent_set) == dict: scaling_set_given_T_and_d = self.get_set_of_scalings( past_range_T, number_of_bins_d, **embedding_scaling_exponent_set ) else: scaling_set_given_T_and_d = embedding_scaling_exponent_set for scaling_k in scaling_set_given_T_and_d: embeddings += [(past_range_T, number_of_bins_d, scaling_k)] return embeddings
[docs] def get_set_of_scalings( self, past_range_T, number_of_bins_d, number_of_scalings, min_first_bin_size, min_step_for_scaling, ): """ Get scaling exponents such that the uniform embedding as well as the embedding for which the first bin has a length of min_first_bin_size (in seconds), as well as linearly spaced scaling factors in between, such that in total number_of_scalings scalings are obtained. """ min_scaling = 0 if ( past_range_T / number_of_bins_d <= min_first_bin_size or number_of_bins_d == 1 ): max_scaling = 0 else: # for the initial guess assume the largest bin dominates, so k is approx. log(T) / d max_scaling = newton( lambda scaling: self.get_past_range( number_of_bins_d, min_first_bin_size, scaling ) - past_range_T, np.log10(past_range_T / min_first_bin_size) / (number_of_bins_d - 1), tol=1e-04, maxiter=500, ) while ( np.linspace(min_scaling, max_scaling, number_of_scalings, retstep=True)[1] < min_step_for_scaling ): number_of_scalings -= 1 return np.linspace(min_scaling, max_scaling, number_of_scalings)
[docs] def get_past_range(self, number_of_bins_d, first_bin_size, scaling_k): """ Get the past range T of the embedding, based on the parameters d, tau_1 and k. """ return np.sum( [ first_bin_size * 10 ** ((number_of_bins_d - i) * scaling_k) for i in range(1, number_of_bins_d + 1) ] )
[docs] def get_history_dependence(self, data, process): """ Estimate the history dependence for each embedding to all given processes. """ # load estimators if self.settings["estimation_method"] == "bbc": estbbc = RudeltBBCEstimator() elif self.settings["estimation_method"] == "shuffling": estshu = RudeltShufflingEstimator() # get history dependence history_dependence = np.empty(shape=(len(self.embeddings))) if self.settings["estimation_method"] == "bbc": bbc_term = np.empty(shape=(len(self.embeddings))) embedding_count = 0 for embedding in self.embeddings: if self.settings["debug"]: print( "Embedding: " + str(embedding[0]) + ", " + str(embedding[1]) + ", " + str(embedding[2]) ) ( symbol_array, past_symbol_array, current_symbol_array, symbol_array_length, ) = data.get_realisations_symbols( process, embedding[0], embedding[1], embedding[2], self.settings["embedding_step_size"], output_spike_times=False, ) if self.settings["estimation_method"] == "bbc": I_bbc, R_bbc, bbc_t = estbbc.estimate( symbol_array[0], past_symbol_array[0], current_symbol_array[0] ) history_dependence[embedding_count] = R_bbc bbc_term[embedding_count] = bbc_t if self.settings["debug"]: print("\tHD: " + str(R_bbc) + " BBC: " + str(bbc_t)) elif self.settings["estimation_method"] == "shuffling": I_sh, R_sh = estshu.estimate(symbol_array[0]) history_dependence[embedding_count] = R_sh if self.settings["debug"]: print("\tHD: " + str(R_sh)) embedding_count += 1 if self.settings["estimation_method"] == "bbc": return history_dependence, bbc_term elif self.settings["estimation_method"] == "shuffling": return history_dependence
[docs] def get_bootstrap_history_dependence( self, data, embedding, number_of_bootstraps, symbol_block_length=None ): """ For a given embedding, return bootstrap replications for R. """ estbbc = RudeltBBCEstimator() estshu = RudeltShufflingEstimator() if symbol_block_length is not None: symbol_block_length = int(symbol_block_length) # compute the bootstrap replications bs_Rs = np.zeros(number_of_bootstraps) for rep in range(number_of_bootstraps): ( bs_symbol_array, bs_past_symbol_array, bs_current_symbol_array, ) = data.get_bootstrap_realisations_symbols( self.process, embedding[0], embedding[1], embedding[2], self.settings["embedding_step_size"], symbol_block_length=symbol_block_length, ) if self.settings["estimation_method"] == "bbc": I_bbc, R_bbc, bbc_t = estbbc.estimate( bs_symbol_array[0], bs_past_symbol_array[0], bs_current_symbol_array[0], ) bs_Rs[rep] = R_bbc if self.settings["debug"]: print("\tHD: " + str(R_bbc) + " BBC: " + str(bbc_t)) elif self.settings["estimation_method"] == "shuffling": I_sh, R_sh = estshu.estimate(bs_symbol_array[0]) bs_Rs[rep] = R_sh if self.settings["debug"]: print("\tHD: " + str(R_sh)) return bs_Rs
[docs] def get_temporal_depth_T_D(self, get_R_thresh=False): """ Get the temporal depth T_D, the past range for the 'optimal' embedding parameters. Given the maximal history dependence R at each past range T, (cf get_embeddings_that_maximise_R), first find the smallest T at which R is maximised (cf get_max_R_T). If bootstrap replications for this R are available, get the smallest T at which this R minus one standard deviation of the bootstrap estimates is attained. """ # load data embedding_maximising_R_at_T, max_Rs = self.get_embeddings_that_maximise_R() Ts = sorted([key for key in max_Rs.keys()]) Rs = [max_Rs[T] for T in Ts] # first get the max history dependence, and if available its bootstrap replications max_R, max_R_T = utl.get_max_R_T(max_Rs) number_of_bins_d, scaling_k = embedding_maximising_R_at_T[max_R_T] embindex = self.embeddings.index((max_R_T, number_of_bins_d, scaling_k)) bs_Rs = self.bs_history_dependence[embindex] if isinstance(bs_Rs, np.ndarray): max_R_sd = np.std(bs_Rs) else: max_R_sd = 0 R_tot_thresh = max_R - max_R_sd T_D = min(Ts) for R, T in zip(Rs, Ts): if R >= R_tot_thresh: T_D = T break if not get_R_thresh: return T_D else: return T_D, R_tot_thresh
[docs] def get_embeddings_that_maximise_R( self, bbc_tolerance=None, dependent_var="T", get_as_list=False ): """ For each T (or d), get the embedding for which R is maximised. For the bbc estimator, here the bbc_tolerance is applied, ie get the unbiased embeddings that maximise R. """ assert dependent_var in ["T", "d"] if bbc_tolerance is None: bbc_tolerance = np.inf max_Rs = {} embeddings_that_maximise_R = {} for i in range(len(self.embeddings)): embedding = self.embeddings[i] past_range_T = float(embedding[0]) number_of_bins_d = int(float(embedding[1])) scaling_k = float(embedding[2]) history_dependence = self.history_dependence[i] if self.settings["estimation_method"] == "bbc": if ( self.bbc_term[i] >= self.settings["bbc_tolerance"] ): # ----------------------- TODO check continue if dependent_var == "T": if ( not past_range_T in embeddings_that_maximise_R or history_dependence > max_Rs[past_range_T] ): max_Rs[past_range_T] = history_dependence embeddings_that_maximise_R[past_range_T] = ( number_of_bins_d, scaling_k, ) elif dependent_var == "d": if ( not number_of_bins_d in embeddings_that_maximise_R or history_dependence > max_Rs[number_of_bins_d] ): max_Rs[number_of_bins_d] = history_dependence embeddings_that_maximise_R[number_of_bins_d] = ( past_range_T, scaling_k, ) if get_as_list: embeddings = [] if dependent_var == "T": for past_range_T in embeddings_that_maximise_R: number_of_bins_d, scaling_k = embeddings_that_maximise_R[ past_range_T ] embeddings += [(past_range_T, number_of_bins_d, scaling_k)] elif dependent_var == "d": for number_of_bins_d in embeddings_that_maximise_R: past_range_T, scaling_k = embeddings_that_maximise_R[ number_of_bins_d ] embeddings += [(past_range_T, number_of_bins_d, scaling_k)] return embeddings else: return embeddings_that_maximise_R, max_Rs
[docs] def get_information_timescale_tau_R(self): """ Get the information timescale tau_R, a characteristic timescale of history dependence similar to an autocorrelation time. """ max_Rs = self.max_Rs Ts = np.array(sorted([key for key in max_Rs.keys()])) Rs = np.array([max_Rs[T] for T in Ts]) R_tot = self.get_R_tot() T_0 = self.settings["timescale_minimum_past_range"] # get dRs dRs = [] R_prev = 0.0 # No values higher than R_tot are allowed, # otherwise the information timescale might be # misestimated because of spurious contributions # at large T for R, T in zip(Rs[Rs <= R_tot], Ts[Rs <= R_tot]): # No negative increments are allowed dRs += [np.amax([0.0, R - R_prev])] # The increment is taken with respect to the highest previous value of R if R > R_prev: R_prev = R dRs = np.pad(dRs, (0, len(Rs) - len(dRs)), mode="constant", constant_values=0) # compute tau_R Ts_0 = np.append([0], Ts) dRs_0 = dRs[Ts_0[:-1] >= T_0] # Only take into considerations contributions beyond T_0 Ts_0 = Ts_0[Ts_0 >= T_0] norm = np.sum(dRs_0) if norm == 0.0: tau = 0.0 else: Ts_0 -= Ts_0[0] tau =[:-1] + Ts_0[1:]) / 2), dRs_0) / norm return tau
[docs] def get_R_tot(self, return_averaged_R=False, **kwargs): max_Rs = self.max_Rs if return_averaged_R: T_D, R_tot_thresh = self.get_temporal_depth_T_D(get_R_thresh=True) Ts = sorted([key for key in max_Rs.keys()]) Rs = [max_Rs[T] for T in Ts] T_max = T_D for R, T in zip(Rs, Ts): if T < T_D: continue T_max = T if R < R_tot_thresh: break return np.average([R for R, T in zip(Rs, Ts) if T_D <= T < T_max]) else: temporal_depth_T_D = self.get_temporal_depth_T_D() return max_Rs[temporal_depth_T_D]
[docs] def compute_CIs(self, data, target_R="R_max", symbol_block_length=None): """ Compute bootstrap replications of the history dependence estimate which can be used to obtain confidence intervals. Args: data : data_spiketime object Input data target_R : String One of 'R_max', 'R_tot' or 'nonessential'. If set to R_max, replications of R are produced for the T at which R is maximised. If set to R_tot, replications of R are produced for T = T_D (cf get_temporal_depth_T_D). If set to nonessential, replications of R are produced for each T (one embedding per T, cf get_embeddings_that_maximise_R). These are not otherwise used in the analysis and are probably only useful if the resulting plot is visually inspected, so in most cases it can be set to zero. symbol_block_length : int The number of symbols that should be drawn in each block for bootstrap resampling If it is set to None (recommended), the length is automatically chosen, based on heuristics """ assert target_R in ["nonessential", "R_max", "R_tot"] number_of_bootstraps = self.settings["number_of_bootstraps_{}".format(target_R)] if number_of_bootstraps == 0: return embedding_maximising_R_at_T, max_Rs = self.get_embeddings_that_maximise_R() self.embedding_maximising_R_at_T = embedding_maximising_R_at_T self.max_Rs = max_Rs if target_R == "nonessential": # bootstrap R for unessential Ts (not required for the main analysis) embeddings = [] for past_range_T in embedding_maximising_R_at_T: number_of_bins_d, scaling_k = embedding_maximising_R_at_T[past_range_T] embeddings += [(past_range_T, number_of_bins_d, scaling_k)] elif target_R == "R_max": # bootstrap R for the max R, to get a good estimate for the standard deviation # which is used to determine R_tot max_R, max_R_T = utl.get_max_R_T(max_Rs) self.max_R = max_R self.max_R_T = max_R_T number_of_bins_d, scaling_k = embedding_maximising_R_at_T[max_R_T] embeddings = [(max_R_T, number_of_bins_d, scaling_k)] elif target_R == "R_tot": T_D = self.get_temporal_depth_T_D() number_of_bins_d, scaling_k = embedding_maximising_R_at_T[T_D] embeddings = [(T_D, number_of_bins_d, scaling_k)] for embedding in embeddings: embindex = self.embeddings.index(embedding) if hasattr(self, "bs_history_dependence"): stored_bs_Rs = self.bs_history_dependence[embindex] else: self.bs_history_dependence = dict() stored_bs_Rs = None if isinstance(stored_bs_Rs, np.ndarray): number_of_stored_bootstraps = len(stored_bs_Rs) else: number_of_stored_bootstraps = 0 if not number_of_bootstraps > number_of_stored_bootstraps: continue bs_R = self.get_bootstrap_history_dependence( data, embedding, number_of_bootstraps - number_of_stored_bootstraps, symbol_block_length=symbol_block_length, ) if stored_bs_Rs is not None: bs_R = np.concatenate([stored_bs_Rs, bs_R]) self.bs_history_dependence[embindex] = bs_R
[docs] def analyse_auto_MI(self, spike_times): """ Get the auto MI for the spike times. If it is available from file, load it, else compute it. """ auto_MI_data = {"delay": [], "auto_MI": []} auto_MI_dict = {} for auto_MI_bin_size in self.settings["auto_MI_bin_size_set"]: number_of_delays = ( int(self.settings["auto_MI_max_delay"] / auto_MI_bin_size) + 1 ) # perform the MI analysis auto_MI = self.get_auto_MI(spike_times, auto_MI_bin_size, number_of_delays) auto_MI_data["delay"] += [number_of_delays] auto_MI_dict[auto_MI_bin_size] = auto_MI auto_MI_data["auto_MI"] = auto_MI_dict self.auto_MI = auto_MI_data
[docs] def get_auto_MI(self, spike_times, bin_size, number_of_delays): """ Compute the auto mutual information in the neuron's activity, a measure closely related to history dependence. """ binned_neuron_activity = utl.get_binned_neuron_activity( spike_times, bin_size, relative_to_median_activity=True ) p_spike = sum(binned_neuron_activity) / len(binned_neuron_activity) self.H_spiking = utl.get_shannon_entropy([p_spike, 1 - p_spike]) auto_MIs = np.empty(number_of_delays) # compute auto MI for delay in range(number_of_delays): symbol_counts = [] number_of_symbols = len(binned_neuron_activity) - delay - 1 symbols = np.array( [ 2 * binned_neuron_activity[i] + binned_neuron_activity[i + delay + 1] for i in range(number_of_symbols) ] ) symbol_counts += [ dict( [ (unq_symbol, len(np.where(symbols == unq_symbol)[0])) for unq_symbol in np.unique(symbols) ] ) ] symbol_counts = utl.add_up_dicts(symbol_counts) number_of_symbols = sum(symbol_counts.values()) H_joint = utl.get_shannon_entropy( [ number_of_occurrences / number_of_symbols for number_of_occurrences in symbol_counts.values() ] ) # I(X : Y) = H(X) - H(X|Y) = H(X) - (H(X,Y) - H(Y)) = H(X) + H(Y) - H(X,Y) # auto_MI = 2 * H_spiking - H_joint auto_MIs[delay] = ( 2 - H_joint / self.H_spiking ) # normalized auto MI = auto MI / H_spiking return auto_MIs
[docs] def optimize(self, data, processes="all"): """ Optimize the embedding parameters of spike time data using the Rudelt history dependence estimator. References: [1]: L. Rudelt, D. G. Marx, M. Wibral, V. Priesemann: Embedding optimization reveals long-lasting history dependence in neural spiking activity, 2021, PLOS Computational Biology, 17(6) [2]: implemented in idtxl by Michael Lindner, Göttingen 2021 Args: data : Data_spiketime instance raw data for analysis processes : list of int index of processes; spike times are optimized all processes specified in the list separately. Returns: # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TODO ResultsSingleProcessRudelt instance results of Rudelt optimization, see documentation of ResultsSingleProcessRudelt() if visulization in settings was set True (see class OptimizationRudelt): .eps images are created for each optimized process containing: - optimized values for the process - graph for the history dependence - graph for auto mutual information (if calculated) """ # check input data if type(data) != Data_spiketime: raise ValueError( "Input Data nneds to be Data_spiketime object but is defined as: " "{0}.".format(type(data)) ) # check input process list if processes == "all": processes = [t for t in range(data.n_processes)] elif (type(processes) is list) and (type(processes[0]) is int): pass else: raise ValueError( "Processes were not specified correctly: " "{0}.".format(processes) ) if self.settings["debug"]: import pprint pprint.pprint(self.settings, width=1) # open result dict results = ResultsSingleProcessRudelt(processes=processes) # start optimizing given processes process_count = 0 for process in processes: # optimize single process single_result = self.optimize_single_run(data, process) # add results of single process to result object results._add_single_result( process_count=process_count, process=process, settings=self.settings, results=single_result, ) process_count += 1 if self.settings["visualization"] == True: filename = Path(self.settings["output_path"]).joinpath( "{}_process{}.svg".format(self.settings["output_prefix"], process) ) utl.hde_visualize_results(results, process, filename) # remove results from single process from self self.remove_subresults_single_process() return results
[docs] def optimize_single_run(self, data, process): """ optimizes a single realisation of spike time data given the process number Args: data : Data_spiketime instance raw data for analysis process : int index of process; Returns: DotDict with the following keys Process : int Process that was optimized estimation_method : String Estimation method that was used for optimization T_D : float Estimated optimal value for the temporal depth TD tau_R : Information timescale tau_R, a characteristic timescale of history dependence similar to an autocorrelation time. R_tot : float Estimated value for the total history dependence Rtot, AIS_tot : float Estimated value for the total active information storage opt_number_of_bins_d : int Number of bins d for the embedding that yields (R̂tot ,T̂D) opt_scaling_k : int Scaling exponent κ for the embedding that yields (R̂tot , T̂D) opt_first_bin_size : int Size of the first bin τ1 for the embedding that yields (R̂tot , T̂D ), history_dependence : array with floating-point values Estimated history dependence for each embedding firing_rate : float Firing rate of the neuron/ spike train recording_length : float Length of the recording (in seconds) H_spiking : float Entropy of the spike times if analyse_auto_MI was set to True additionally: auto_MI : dict numpy array of MI values for each delay auto_MI_delays : list of int list of delays depending on the given auto_MI_bin_sizes and auto_MI_max_delay """ if type(process) is int: pass else: raise ValueError( "Process is not specified correctly: " "{0}.".format(process) ) self.process = process # get history dependence if self.settings["debug"]: print("\n\nGet History dependence\n") if self.settings["estimation_method"] == "bbc": self.history_dependence, self.bbc_term = self.get_history_dependence( data, process ) elif self.settings["estimation_method"] == "shuffling": self.history_dependence = self.get_history_dependence(data, process) if self.settings["debug"]: print("\n\nCompute CI\n") # get bootstrap history dependence (CI) if self.settings["debug"]: print("R_max") self.compute_CIs( data, target_R="R_max", symbol_block_length=self.settings["symbol_block_length"], ) if self.settings["debug"]: print("R_tot") self.compute_CIs( data, target_R="R_tot", symbol_block_length=self.settings["symbol_block_length"], ) if self.settings["debug"]: print("R_nonessential") self.compute_CIs( data, target_R="nonessential", symbol_block_length=self.settings["symbol_block_length"], ) # analyse auto MI if self.settings["analyse_auto_MI"]: if self.settings["debug"]: print("\nAnalyse auto MI\n") spike_times = data.get_spike_times_single(process) self.analyse_auto_MI(spike_times) # get output values T_D = self.get_temporal_depth_T_D() tau_R = self.get_information_timescale_tau_R() R_tot = self.get_R_tot() opt_number_of_bins_d, opt_scaling_k = self.embedding_maximising_R_at_T[T_D] max_Rs = self.max_Rs mr = np.array(list(max_Rs.items()), dtype=float) HD_max_R = mr[:, 1] opt_first_bin_size = newton( lambda first_bin_size: self.get_past_range( opt_number_of_bins_d, first_bin_size, opt_scaling_k ) - T_D, 0.005, tol=1e-03, maxiter=100, ) firing_rate = data.get_firingrate(process, self.settings["embedding_step_size"]) recording_length = data.get_recording_length(process) H_spiking = data.get_H_spiking(process, self.settings["embedding_step_size"]) # get CI bounds if not self.settings["return_averaged_R"]: embedding = (T_D, opt_number_of_bins_d, opt_scaling_k) emb_ind = self.embeddings.index(embedding) R_tot_CI_lo, R_tot_CI_hi = utl.get_CI_bounds( R_tot, self.bs_history_dependence[emb_ind], self.settings["bootstrap_CI_use_sd"], self.settings["bootstrap_CI_percentile_lo"], self.settings["bootstrap_CI_percentile_hi"], ) else: R_tot_CI_lo = None R_tot_CI_hi = None R_tot_CI = [R_tot_CI_lo, R_tot_CI_hi] if self.settings["debug"]: print("Process: " + str(process)) print("T_D: " + str(T_D)) print("tau_R: " + str(tau_R)) print("R_tot: " + str(R_tot)) print("R_tot_CI: " + str(R_tot_CI)) print("opt_number_of_bins_d: " + str(opt_number_of_bins_d)) print("opt_scaling_k: " + str(opt_scaling_k)) print("opt_first_bin_size: " + str(opt_first_bin_size)) print("firing_rate: " + str(firing_rate)) print("recording_length: " + str(recording_length)) print("H_spiking: " + str(H_spiking)) # create output dict results = { "Process": process, "estimation_method": self.settings["estimation_method"], "T_D": T_D, "tau_R": tau_R, "R_tot": R_tot, "R_tot_CI": R_tot_CI, "AIS_tot": R_tot * H_spiking, "opt_number_of_bins_d": opt_number_of_bins_d, "opt_scaling_k": opt_scaling_k, "opt_first_bin_size": opt_first_bin_size, "history_dependence": self.history_dependence, "firing_rate": firing_rate, "recording_length": recording_length, "H_spiking": H_spiking, "max_R": max_Rs, } if self.settings["analyse_auto_MI"]: results["auto_MI"] = self.auto_MI.get("auto_MI") results["auto_MI_delays"] = self.auto_MI.get("delay") results_d = DotDict(results) return results_d
[docs] def remove_subresults_single_process(self): """delete results from self from single process""" del self.bs_history_dependence del self.embedding_maximising_R_at_T del self.history_dependence del self.max_R del self.max_Rs del self.max_R_T del self.process # del self.T_D if self.settings["analyse_auto_MI"]: del self.auto_MI del self.H_spiking if self.settings["estimation_method"] == "bbc": del self.bbc_term